May 27 day 26 –Earl and Ethel did not visit the La Brea Tar Pits, but, we did. Just like those 9-year-olds enthralled with the dinosaur bones (see Day 10 blog) the first time Carl read about Le Brea as a youngster he wanted to go there. Some opportunities things take time! We spent a couple hours there learning about what got caught in the tar and preserved in the tar, later excavated over the past 100 years and now displayed. There were mastodons, wooly mammoths, saber tooth tigers, giant sloths, 150-pound dire wolves, American camels, a wide variety of large and small birds and a whole lot more from last ice age to the recent past. None of our interior photos turned out but we share one mastodon from the Page Museum website. The tar pits and museum are worth a visit. Don’t let it take 50+ years!
We made a fast getaway from LA to Fresno CA traveling 230 miles so that we could get nearer to Yosemite National Park for an early start on Monday.

Stuck in the tar pit!

Mastodon photo from La Brea website

Still removing specimens 100 years later!