May 10, day 9 – Today was a 300+ mile travel day from Idaho Springs CO to Vernal Utah (about 15 miles across the Colorado border). Our route was Highway 40 and took about eight hours with stops. It was…

May 10, day 9 – Today was a 300+ mile travel day from Idaho Springs CO to Vernal Utah (about 15 miles across the Colorado border). Our route was Highway 40 and took about eight hours with stops. It was…
May 9, day 8 – Idaho Springs CO, Elev. 7540 Ft. We began our day with a tour of the Phoenix Gold Mine. A photo was taken of Earl and Ethel at the entrance to the Star Tunnel, a gold…
May 8, day 7 – We drove to the top of Lookout Mountain just west of Denver today to visit the Buffalo Bill Cody museum and grave-site as Earl and Ethel did 81 years ago. Trees have since grown to…
We walked the two blocks from our AirBnB guestroom to Denver’s Washington Park with great childlike anticipation. Wash Park as it is referred to by locals did not disappoint! Our first view of the park occurred right where Earl and…
Our “go to” navigator of choice is the Google app, WAZE. We have been using this app since 2013 with good results. We call the female voice “Olivia” as in, Olivia Pope of the TV show, “Scandal.” She fixes things! …